Reply to post: I've got a horrible feeling about this

Three non-obvious reasons to Vote Leave on the 23rd

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I've got a horrible feeling about this

The referendum seems to have given the masses a socially acceptable way to demonstrate their wish to not be part of a multi-cultural Britain. Call it job protection or racism the result is the same - a sudden open door to not have to vote UKIP or BNP, but get what they want.

Not socially acceptable enough maybe to tell the pollsters... hence the surprise landslide tomorrow ?

An (educated professional) man at work came up to me today and said 'the greatest threat to our society is political correctness and multi-culturalism - I'm voting leave'....

As Andrew points out however - immigration is the one thing least likely to change!

1. they are predominantly complaining about those already here and no one is seriously considering 'sending them home'

2. we'd have to keep high immigration as part of any re-negotiated trade deals

3. it won't make a blind bit of difference to 'brown immigration'... which seems to be the ones anti-immigration people like the least.

It's a great example of why giving a decision like this to the unwashed public is a bloody stupid idea. Even if there are good arguments most people lack the logic to see whats true and lies - politicians are not even trying to quote true stats, etc now - they know most people can't follow basic logic.(the 350million is a basic example of this)

Personally I'm voting stay - but I've also got a 100 quid bet on leave so at least if it happens, I've got some cash to drown my sorrows.

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