Reply to post: Re: @ inmypjs

Apple pollutes data about you to protect your privacy. But it might not be enough

Camilla Smythe

Re: @ inmypjs

With a well presented point(?) like yours I equate your post with worthless.

@Richard Jones 1

Presumably it went over your head because you are a short person. Will you accept that, should I be so inclined, if I were to send an e-mail to you on your, assuming you do have one, gmail account then the contents would be subject to analysis by Google.... bit of a waste of time me setting up and running my own mail server to avoid Google then. Oh silly me, it's ever so convenient for you though and you do not mind giving up a bit of your privacy for that convenience... but stuff everyone else.

Recently I started getting spammed by LinkedIn on behalf of an American Lawyer. Turns out he, as a privacy advocate, had managed to spaff all of his contacts to LinkedIn. FFS. I hope that gaff did not include 'important clients'. Otherwise I suppose LinkedIn is really convenient and such stuff and hey... you do not mind giving up a bit of your privacy for the convenience... but stuff everyone else.

Especially when people feed email from other accounts through gmail so the sender can't tell it will be read by google.

Case in point my MP runs his own website and provides a contact e-mail address so being dumb I think it might be fairly useful to use that one to have a moan at him about something...


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Hey... but that's alright. It is just so bloody convenient... and stuff the rest of you.

Now you mention how pristine you are, for yourself, about Google and presumably other cookies. I do not know for certain because I have my mail locked down to avoid it but does Google try to set cookies via e-mail? If so then you again assuming you use gmail may well be spuking their cookies all over your mates computers but that's OK because whilst you are so informed and it's all so convenient.. stuff everyone else.

Of course if your mates are not as dead clev as you.. yeah well, as you know it's all so convenient so stuff them.

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