Reply to post: Re: Do we really want more computer scientists?

UK's education system blamed for IT jobs going to non-Brits

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Do we really want more computer scientists?

When the grads turn up in the workplace they typically can't code, better to get someone with a Maths degree who can

Either you are looking fora "coder" who may or may not be able to code, or you are looking for a person able to get a Math degree who, again, may or may not be able to code, but who is at least interested in IT. This actually means getting a "Computer Scientist"

Getting a "Math degree" person and asking him to do coding is not a good idea. Knowing how to do multidimensional differential geometry is not often a useful thing in the workplace. And algebra is basic knowledge, isn't it?

In fact, you want more a "Computer Engineer" than a "Computer Scientist", really - the scientist should do the science at work at IBM Research, if that still exists and hasn't be wrecked by Wall Street gyrations.

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