Reply to post: Smart?

Energy companies aren't going to slurp your personal data. Honest

Chris G


I'm getting fed up with marketing 'droids and know nothing politicians describing things as 'Smart'

If Smart TVs were really smart, they would know what you like to watch, when to turn themselves on and when the ad's come on they would know to contact the (smart)kettle via the IoT and tell it to fill itself and tell a couple of cups to insert teabags into each other and get ready for a hot shower.

I don't see smart meters coming anywhere near that clever so no, not smart!

When I were a lad which was before they invented Globular Warming, smart was being dressed up in something fancy. It didn't necessarily make you any better but sometimes it could make you feel better, that's about all there is with all these modern new fangled smart things.

Not really any better but has something to convince people it has added value and they need it, Window dressing might be another way to put it.

Nurse! nurse! Move me away from the fire a bit I think I'm burning.

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