Reply to post: Prepare to get stung (again, and again) by the Yellow & Black peril

Man-in-the-middle biz Blue Coat bought by Symantec: Infosec bods are worried

s. pam Silver badge

Prepare to get stung (again, and again) by the Yellow & Black peril

Blue Coat has lost control of a certificate, blames Symantec but doesn't own up to their own fuck-up. How Symantec of them!

Symantec published bad certificates, screws up lots of folks, barely admits the truth. How Blue Coat of them!

Symantec has a long and proven track record of killing acquired technology and stuffing only a few parts into a.n.other business unit. In this case both companies' current product users/admins/owners should be VERY worried as the appliance product is likely being shoved into the most chaotic group possible to whip the acquired into submission.

In 10++ years at Symantec until being freed in last summer's layoffs, this is the only cycle they know how to do. And they regularly will now have reorgs and infighting for who's in charge of whatever carcass of a product is left.

Caveat Emptor -- time to find a.n.other vendor!

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