Reply to post: Re: A tax of 24 pence and 18 pence will be levied on each liter...

In obesity fight, UK’s heavy-handed soda tax beats US' watered-down warning

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: A tax of 24 pence and 18 pence will be levied on each liter...

"Are you sure that that is the intended goal?"

it's the STATED goal, that's for sure. we have this *kind* of problem in California all the time. The REAL goal is always the same: control, power, manipulation. The 'elite' decide what's best for US, and generally make it so that THEY aren't impacted by the legislation. How about 'boutique' shopping bags instead of the really inexpensive plastic ones, allegedly to save the environment or something? It's on the ballot this November, because legislators "felt" that their existence threatened the world. Seriously I think they just like everyone using the 'boutique' washable bags that would be spreaders and retainers of food-born germs and other health problems.

So none of this is new. It's all the same *kind* of thing, with different details and supporting gripes.

Expect the 'tea tax' next. OK I'm joking, but still. Maybe the U.K. needs a "Tea Party".

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