Reply to post: Re: good entertainment

Crafty plan to give FBI warrantless access to browser histories axed

Mark 85

Re: good entertainment

For example, they would almost certainly have tried to conquer Mexico, and probably have been beaten badly when the British, Spain and others intervened.

I don't think the British would have intervened as they were silent supporters and continuing to buy all the cotton they could get from the South.

A CSA without the North's industrial power would have been long on colonial ambition but laughably short on means.

That was one of the problems. The South was actually paying more in taxes than the industrial north and every time someone down there tried to set up a steel mill, factory of any sort, it simply failed. Many reasons for the failing, but usually because the expertise for these was in the north and there was a "boycott" (if you want to call it that) on workers, managers who knew the processes, etc. to keep them from heading south.

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