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Java API judge tells Oracle to suck it up, quit whining about the jury

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"In his position I'd have been tempted to rule contempt of court and bang a few lawyers up for a few months. Or years. And any Oracle execs within range."

The lawyers are only doing what they're told. Lawyers are advisers and representatives. If you think the lawyers are acting like dicks, you can assume that they are in fact billing dicks. If they behave like nice people, they are being briefed by nice people, or at least people who have enough self awareness to know that seeming to be nice gets people on your side.

Judges, of course, know this well.

Don't forget too that the dicks are likely only to meet other dicks socially, and to expend their dickishness on minions. They have not the slightest idea how things will appear to normal people.

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