Reply to post: Re: Swings and Roundabouts.

Brexit threatens Cornish pasty's racial purity


Re: Swings and Roundabouts.

"It's more to stop producers, stores or restaurants flogging stuff as Stilton cheese, or Parma ham when actually it came from somewhere in Bulgaria and bears no relation to the thing its trying to pass itself off as."

The trouble is it doesn't actually provide any guarantee of quality whatsoever. So long as they set it up in Cornwall, Bulgarians are perfectly free to set up a low-quality pastry forge, staffed entirely by Bulgarians who have never seen a real pasty and call the output genuine Cornish pasties.

It's got nothing to do with helping consumers and everything to do with the EU's (and all governments' to be fair) favourite sport of protecting vocal, special-interest groups especially in agriculture.

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