Reply to post: Re: Looking on the bright side

Rogue Somerset vulture lands at Royal Navy airbase

Rich Harding

Re: Looking on the bright side

Salesman. Yes. It's the finest fairweather fighter on the market. You won't find a better one at the price. Or any price for that matter.

Strauss: Yes, it's very nice. But we need a plane for bombing, straffing, assault and battery, interception, ground support and reconnaissance. Not just a fairweather fighter!

Salesman: Well, that's ok. We can make some modifications. It'll cost a little extra, but it's worth it. Just look at the shape of this beauty. Look, I tell you what we'll do. We'l redesign the plane, right? And instead of just calling it the F104, we'll call it the F104G.

Strauss: G?

Salesman: Yeah, eh, Herr Minister - G. G for Germany

Strauss: G. for Germany, eh....

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