Reply to post: Re: "Microsoft should also hand over a big donation...

Even in remotest Africa, Windows 10 nagware ruins your day: Update burns satellite link cash


Re: "Microsoft should also hand over a big donation...

This is the beginning of the end of ownership.

Your OS, your music, your data, will eventually be rented to you.

Win10 is the first step in a process that will see you paying by the month to use their product.

Older products will just keep rumbling along, but MS knows that once your PC kit starts to fail and a new bit of kit is needed then they have you, as the new bit of kit will insist on the latest OS to run.

The relationship between MS, software developers and the hardware churners is symbiotic, they feed off of each others product and each in turn adds that little extra requirement that you must also go knocking on their buddies door to get whatever it is you bought to work.

You've seen it in operation:- the game that can be tweeked in all manner of ways, except the ability to turn down the graphics to a point your five year old machine can cope: or the OS that once happily scanned your docs, now refusing to acknowledge you even have a scanner.

Your PC is slowly being taken away from you in incremental steps, and perhaps with the IoT we might just enter the age of the everlasting light-bulb, but expect, just like the PC, to be paying rent on it forever.

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