Reply to post: Re: Stock Control

Computerised stock management? Nah, let’s use walkie-talkies

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Stock Control

Don't overestimate the ability of high street stock control. I know (because my employer wrote it) that one high street retail chain now uses data mining to work out when it's no longer selling things that it should be selling lots off (think essentials like milk/bread) and then flags up that they might have empty shelves. As a customer of un-named place I know roughly when I need to go there to be sure they have stock and when to avoid as they most likely won't have. If I know this surely the staff do. There is a link from barcode to stock level in the warehouse but not to the level that something's telling them they've sold 20 so they need to put another 20 back on the shelves asap.

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