Reply to post: Re: Wait wait wait, does it NOT use some sort of bridge like FUSE or Doken?

Dropbox gets all up in your kernel with Project Infinite. Cue uproar


Re: Wait wait wait, does it NOT use some sort of bridge like FUSE or Doken?

Because it's too slow. They're not building a separate drive, they're enhancing a folder on an existing filesystem. That means that they have to hook into the calls into that filesystem itself.

Given that they're then writing code which will be called every time the machine makes a disk access, it's got to be fast. FUSE uses a small kernel extension to implement a plugin architecture that makes userspace calls. In other words, FUSE mostly runs in userspace and requires a context switch. That's fine for a standalone filesystem where performance isn't your primary concern, but isn't ideal in a situation where you're writing a plugin to the main filesystem of the machine itself.

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