Reply to post: Re: @d3vy

GM crops are good for you and the planet, reckon boffins

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: @d3vy


You refer to Percy Schmeiser. He came to Tasmania many years ago to spread his message regarding the dangers of cross-contamination from GMO crops. Percy was never shown to have benefited from the RoundupReady genes in his crop. The only Roundup he used was along fencelines and around some power poles where he actually wanted the canola to die, not survive. His crop grown from his own seed was never sprayed with herbicides of any kind.

There has been a trend in farming for many years now called chemical ploughing. Rather than breaking up the soil to control weeds prior to sowing, you spray them off, usually with Roundup (or generic glyphosate these days). Roundup Ready genes in weeds means you can no longer do this and have to either go back to mechanical ploughing and the attendant loss of soil structure, or use another herbicide.

Needless to say Monsanto will sell you that protected by patent herbicide. Before the patent on Roundup ran out, it cost several times as much as generic glyphosate does now.

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