Reply to post: Bonkers

EU mulls €3bn fine for Google

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward


Seems like Google are being penalized for making good products and a search engine that people want to use. the EU are trying to hobble them so their pals at Microsoft stand a chance.

it's utter crap of course, as if I use Google on my PC to search for office software to buy, Microsoft Office is right at the top of my search page, Google Docs doesn't even feature on page 1 of search results.

If I search for an Office suite on my Android phone, guess what turns up right at the top of the results. Yep, all the Microsoft apps (Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc). Again, Google Docs, appearing somewhat down the list of results.

How do the EU explain this?? They can't. This is why Google should fight back against this ruling, it's totally bogus.

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