Reply to post: Re: corruption

Non-police orgs merrily accessed PNC without authority, says HMIC


Re: corruption

"...Fight corruption? You can't do that when the foundation of policing and justice is this shaky. The UK isn't a well designed car (or even poorly, merely by accident), driven or navigated by the elected body, it's a collection of bits some of which might be car pieces some horse and cart becasue they were overlooked when the modernisation happened, all trundling along merely, some veering all directions only marginally under control or not at all..."

The problem here though is that there has to be will to fight said corruption and that is sadly lacking. Politicians, bankers, CEO's and FCO's of large corporations are all too busy looking out for themselves, creaming off the top.

If they can keep the masses' attention on things like immigration and terrorism, whilst simultaneously keeping as many of them as under-educated as possible, then it makes it so much easier to pull off the above.

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