Reply to post: Re: Los Angeles to San Francisco route comes in at $6bn

First successful Hyperloop test module hits 100mph in four seconds


Re: Los Angeles to San Francisco route comes in at $6bn

There may be problems. That's what the startup are for: to iron out the problems with the tech. But what's with the massive negativity?

Yes, of course it wouldn't be only $6bn. Nothing ever comes in at budget, but the high-speed rail California has started to build is projected at many times that amount.

The tubes are not at complete vacuum. The tubes have magnetic propulsion at regular intervals that can also be used for braking. The pods could also have braking built in somehow. I believe they also have some kind of drive mechanism planned that could limp the pods to a place for evacuation. The energy to evacuate the air to a semi vacuum is negligible. Pods also have an air supply.

This is a concept vehicle. They are currently prototyping, with private money. Jeez Louise. Perhaps you're one of those folks who hates all buses, subways, trains, and bike lanes?

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