Reply to post: Re: Lipstick on a boar

Microsoft bods tell El Reg: We've re-pivoted open-source .NET Core

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Lipstick on a boar

Windows 2003 was still fine. It was from 2008 onward that the problem begins. Now I am afraid every time I have to open the event log. In 2003 it was fine and fast enough. From 2008 it is just slow slow with no real improvements. All the .NET management tools are too slow and cumbersome, and looks coded by an amateur programmer.

And when they are built over powershell commands even more so. Invoking a shell to pass it a command line and then parsing the text output for GUI display is just stupid - call a damned API directly, you also get a chance of better error handling.

All the remoting technologies over HTTP are no better either. Lots of data converted into text and back passed around. Not surprisingly, HTTP 2.0 became a fully binary protocol.

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