Reply to post: Just think..

Android's security patch quagmire probed by US watchdogs


Just think..

Just think, if DRM and anti-jailbreaking wasn't in place we could probably just use a custom firmware on any device (assuming relative drivers available for hardware) and fix security issues ourselves.

Instead hardware vendors decide to lock their devices down, do everything they can to prevent "jail breaking" and for what? "To Stop Piracy"?

Fact is, the more locked down a device is and the less control you have over the device will basically expose you to security risks the more locked down it is.

After all, sooner or later the manufacture will stop issuing updates, heck sometimes they will never push a single update. It's at this point your device is a security risk.

People have to realise this is intentional on the manufactures part, they sell more devices that way, want the latest security? New device! It's not about piracy, it's never been about piracy. It's about making more money.

However, if drivers were open and there was no anti-jailbreak or DRM crap in place we could just use custom firmware and be free of these problems...

But no... everyone insists on accepting DRM/Vendor Lock on devices and "not caring" about it and so it will remain a problem.

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