Reply to post: Re: Don't see Intel succeeding at IoTs.

Intel loses its ARM wrestling match, kicks out Atom mobe chips

Richard Plinston

Re: Don't see Intel succeeding at IoTs.

>IoT is not even a thing, even conceptually it is not developed yet.

Actually it is. There are several companies that offer complete systems that interface your phone to many different things such as lights, heating, garage doors, Video cameras, and do so over the internet. And they have done so for many years.

The hype about IoT is where software companies, such as Microsoft, want to grab the action, and the revenue, and promote their IoT efforts linked to their services. As they don't make hardware they are trying to ride on the back of RPi and others and trying to get users and developers to write software that will be tied to MS services.

You are wrong that 'it doesn't exist', it is just that MS tries to ignore what does exist and will promote whatever they do as 'the standard' and 'innovative' when it is neither (yet again).

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