Reply to post: Freedom

E-cigarettes help save lives, says Royal College of Physicians

raving angry loony


Far as I'm concerned folks should be able to smoke what they want. What I object to is the stink. I've walked through a couple of clouds of the vaping by-product and my GHODS it was foul. And it stank up my clothing such that I had to change and wash. Almost as bad as one of those "light" cigarettes that were popular a few years back.

Here's the deal:

They vape or smoke. I drink beer. They produce noxious smoke or vapour as a by-product. I produce rather foul urine. If the self-absorbed arrogant selfish little turds insist on putting the by-product of their hobby in my nose, clothes, and hair, then I'm going to start spraying my piss on them. See how they like it.

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