Reply to post: Re: Oh, yeah... @1Rafayal

Microsoft's Windows 10 nagware storms live TV weather forecast

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: Oh, yeah... @1Rafayal

you mean the licensing agreements for Server, Office, Exchange, SQL Server etc that all come with Windows Enterprise entitlements?

Don't know what you mean, neither of the Server 2012 R2 and Exchange Server 2012 licenses I recently obtained through VLSC (UK) had any client OS entitlements.

Or maybe the licensing agreements you get with the MS Action Pack?

Or maybe the agreements tied into your MSDN subscription?

Or I guess there is the gold partnership subscription agreement...

Do these supply Enterprise volume licenses that satisfy the MS no GWX nagware criteria?

Can you think of any more?

Software purchased from high st. outlets and wholesalers that come with the relevant Enterprise volume licenses ...

Remember, I'm not talking about IT nerds who are prepared to jump through MS's hoops to get free software, I'm talking about normal people who need a computer to do the accounts, send email, browse the web and prepare proposals/quotes/invoices...

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