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Getty on Google: It’s all about traffic, duh

Michael Habel

Why don't they just make an Android App that takes the user directly to their Site? Barring that, some cleverly named Website, that will give them the traffic they so desperately want, so badly? I can see how the Google hate patrol would be the ones to find fault here. But, before Advertising came along. This was Google's raison d'etre, to make searching for this kinda stuff on-line much simpler, and faster?

So by that proxy, does Getty have any care about other 'Providers' (Bing. Yahoo (Well whats left of it) etc..?), or is it singularly Google that they just hate? But, decrying over how the Web has worked in essence since day one isn't going to change their favors I think. What they needed to do, and must do is to take a more proactive stance on their properties.

After all the Author did claim that their "Search" was better then Google's... Personally I wouldn't really know. Why, cause While I may have heard about Getty Images... The fact that even have such an engine to search their warez was lost on me... The further fact that its probably also closed to the further public. (Why buy what you can just look at / use from whatever Google turns up), is probably also why nobody but, them even care.

Google might be a bit naughty... Hell even downright evil is some books. But, they never pretended to be someone else's charity. If Getty can't fix their own problems by whatever means (e.g. Robots.txt), then its their own lookout.

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