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IBM says no, non, nein to Brexit

Hans 1

>My point is that the European Union has become the tool by which an unsavory and unelected cabal assimilate complicit nations into an anti-democratic dystopian protection racket.

Care to elaborate?

"unelected cabal" You're not coming with the commission again, are you ? Read my other posts, look up wikipedia ... get a brain transplant, maybe ? I dunno .... desperate ....

"anti-democratic dystopian protection racket." I guess you do not elect your MEP's in Britain, or so you think, because you never turn up when comes election day ???

>one-world currency/government movement.

How much does the UK spend on the military ? And the US, France, or Germany ? Would those funds not be better suited for education, health, and/or pension ? What sense does it make ? Should we split the UK up in counties, or better Burroughs ? Why are we together in a United Kingdom, why are we together in the EU ? Think about it, watch by Carl Sagan, a bofin ... and think again. SERIOUSLY, WATCH THAT, understand it, don't come back until you have!

DSK has retired from politics ... just saying ...

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