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IBM says no, non, nein to Brexit

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Business, including Banking, are risks. What, ever increasingly, large Corporations have been able to do is buy Politicians and thereby being allowed to write tax law and business treaties like the TTIP. This ameliorates these risks and further institutionalizes their control. All this joining together of Nations is wonderful as an ideal it is the practice and fairness of it that is difficult and since the general political shift to the right, by which I mean far right, that started in the late 1970s we cannot trust that Governments are working in the favour of the citizenry but rather that of the Oligopolies that now appear to rule "First World" nations.

Democracy is a very delicate state of governance that has been allowed to deteriorate through apathy. People tend to trust their Governments when times are easy like they have been in the First World for last couple of generations. It appears that is changing.

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