Reply to post: Re: That table again...

Storage with the speed of memory? XPoint, XPoint, that's our plan


Re: That table again...

Seek time has nothing to do with rotational speed as it is a measurement of time taken to move the read/write heads from one track to another and average seek time is approximately the time taken to move over one third of the tracks on a drive.

Access time, on the other hand is a much more realistic and sensible metric in that it should encompass the mechanical and software related delays in the IO process and is applicable to ALL types of storage i.e . finding a tape in a tape librayry, waiting for an available drive and loading the tape and searching to the correct location for data on the a LOOOng access time whereas solid state devices are really quick.

Rotational speed is much more about data transfer rates, once the heads are over the required track, how quickly can it transfer data to or from the track.

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