Reply to post: I think _I_ can explain it (and it's not that hard)

'Impossible' EmDrive flying saucer thruster may herald new theory of inertia

bombastic bob Silver badge

I think _I_ can explain it (and it's not that hard)

Well, _I_ think that _I_ can explain it. And it's not that hard.

Momentum IS being conserved, because it is SPEWING PARTICLES. Either that, or it's creating a gravity effect.

If you were to shine a light in a particular direction in outer space, you'd create thrust due to the photons going at 'C' and of course their effective mass in an 'mv' momentum equation. This is well known.

The obvious answer HERE is that there are particles being emitted. Microwave energy is a form of 'gamma'. now, that cone shaped thing just might be acting like a WAVE GUIDE of sorts, and JUST MIGHT be impedence coupling the gammas to "the air".


There's some thought about a spinning disk causing relativistic effects due to a couple of physics properties. First, the NET velocity of a spinning disk is zero (this is why there's 'rotational velocity' and 'rotational momentum' to explain THOSE things). HOWEVER... the individual points on the disk exhibit instantaneous velocities that *MIGHT* result in RELATIVISTIC effects - you know, like mass increasing, time dilating, that sort of thing. BUT - the NET effect is ZERO because it's a solid piece of 'stuff'.

Some experiments have been reported (though I can't find the web sites any more) that SUGGEST that a fast spinning disk may cause 'graviton emission' or 'gravity wave emission' (your choice, wave/particle, tomayto/tomahto) due to this somewhat self-contradicting "relativistic effect" of a spinning disk. A disk spinning horizontally might cause 'gravity shielding' or some other effect on items suspended above it, which REPORTEDLY WEIGH LESS by a measurable, though small, amount (according to the reports I read maybe a decade or so ago). This is, of course, 'Coast to Coast AM' material so take it for what it's worth. But so is *THIS* device.

And so I'm suggesting that *IF* in fact the magnetron is energizing air, and 'spinning' it in the resonant cavity, that the 'spin' _MIGHT_ be causing gravitons to be emitted. Or it could be bremstralung, which would ALSO create a possible gamma source for 'shining a light' momentum effect.

To prove this, fill the resonant cavity with high pressure Xenon gas. THAT might actually create a REAL graviton field. Or not. Provocative, no?

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