Reply to post: Re: Valid excuse?

Academic network Janet clobbered with DDoS attacks – again

Chris King

Re: Valid excuse?

"They didn't accept excuses like it in your day and many do not do so today.

If your dog ate your homework, show us the dog vomit as proof.

And that's just the departmental administrators - the profs want something more conclusive !

Every year, the ikkle firsties think they're so original with their excuses, failing to realise the people they're trying to hoodwink probably tried them thirty years ago, on staff who tried to use them thirty years before and so on back to the dawn of humanity...

"Wolf ate Ug's stone tablet !"

"Ug better go look for constipated wolf and get it back then !"

(The departmental admins were probably allowed to carry clubs and spears back then too)

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