Reply to post: Re: I Was Shocked...

Catastrophic 123-reg VPS cockup deletes Ross County FC website


Re: I Was Shocked...

I dunno, last web design agency that was in our office mainly seemed experts on marketing speak, and that sort of general bullshit. I mean don't get me wrong the sites nice, but coding wise HTML and CSS with a bit of jscript is not exactly hardcore techy knowledge, why would you expect people who mainly trained in graphic design and marketing to know the other aspects of important IT business, like backups, making sure the hosts are solid, etc. The lot who came in to sell the website did not strike me as techies, they were salespeople and designers.

Not saying there are not good companies out there or websites that are not complex, but your average business owner tends to fall for the sales people and buzwords far more, so thats what you get when they sell you their product, and most cheap hosting outfits provide some sort of shopping cart type sales device that can be implemented.

It's very hard to convince the beancounter there is a difference between paying say a couple of hundred quid and a couple of grand more for a site that looks to their eyes the same.

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