Reply to post: Re: "Out of print" is a mortal sin

Google's 'fair use' mass slurping of books can continue – US Supremes snub writers' pleas


Re: "Out of print" is a mortal sin

As an author, I think it is disgraceful that Google can do whatever they want with my works and not pay me a penny.

As such, there is no framework that says, if Google serves my content to a reader, and displays adverts around it... that any portion of that advertising earnings come back to me.

Even at the best, anything might go in to a central pot... and we all know what happens to those, don't we, Amazon!

Pirates know they are pirating, but people using a, "legit," service like Google, will likely trust that background things exist to ensure that the creator of the content is getting, "something." ... so Google's actions basically come down to being legalised profiting from piracy, in my book... literally.

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