Reply to post: Re: I simply do not understand copyright anymore.

Google's 'fair use' mass slurping of books can continue – US Supremes snub writers' pleas

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I simply do not understand copyright anymore.

What you are missing is the content being stolen.

You: An artist's song which is available for sale in digital format.

Google: An out of print book where they may or may not be able to find the author.

Google goes ahead and copies the book, arguing that they are serving both the author by making his work available to a larger audience and may find a way to pay him pennies on the dollar with or without his approval. (Authors had the ability to opt out if they knew that Google was stealing their work.

You see, big difference. You're a thief. Google... Robin Hood until you figure out that there's money in the data that google gets from you for searching and reading the print, and the potential ad revenue that will eventually go beyond the costs of setting this scam up.

Got it?

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