Reply to post: Re: Cyclists who treat pedestrians as a slalom course are idiots

NZ hotel bans cyclists' Lycra-clad loins

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Cyclists who treat pedestrians as a slalom course are idiots

The important thing to understand about cyclists is that some of them travel at a speed very similar to the speed of a pedestrian (my children on a bike get overtaken by joggers), while some of them travel at a speed very similar to the speed of a car (some cyclists are capable of tripping speed cameras). So putting all the cyclists in one place isn't going to work. In fact, in makes far more sense to mix the slow cyclists with the pedestrians, and the fast cyclists with the cars. In other words, let the cyclists choose: they are well motivated to make the right choice.

There will always be a few annoying nutters but it's not worth make life inconvenient for everyone else just to accommodate the nutters, and I'm not sure that strategy would work, anyway. For example, if you ban all cycling from a footpath and can't afford a police patrol to enforce the ban then it's dangerous and inconsiderate cyclists who ignore the ban, so you haven't actually improved the situation. You've just inconvenienced the cyclists who weren't causing any trouble, and perhaps also some car drivers who will be affected by the consequent increased traffic on the road.

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