Reply to post: Re: If passed

US anti-encryption law is so 'braindead' it will outlaw file compression

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: If passed

there used to be a nationwide 55 mph speed limit, passed by Con-Grab in the 70's, as an "emergency measure" at the request of President Nixon as I recall.

nobody obeyed it. enforcing it was nearly impossible. CB radios became popular ways of evading the cops. And that's what happens when STUPID laws are passed. People widely disregard them.

yeah, classic libertarian argument implied.

Aside from the fact that it's a STUPID law, that it will give FOREIGN encryption providers and software and device makers AN EDGE over U.S. businesses, and what makes THEM think "the bad guys" won't ALWAYS be able to "get theirs" while potential victims [regular citizens] won't even have SSL encryption available to do BANKING TRANSACTIONS??? Widespread crime ensues. Buh-bye internet commerce. Buh-bye internet banking.

So many things would be affected.

I told Feinstein in an e-mail that she should hand over EVERY KEY TO HER HOUSE to law enforcement, and THAT ANALOGY was IDENTICAL to THIS LEGISLATION in its intent.

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