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Music's value gap? Follow the money trail back to Google

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I glanced at the title and bet myself a pint it was an Orlowski article.

Now the basic premise of the article -that Google treat artistes like shit- I can't disagree with it.

But wellies? Seriously. Comparing a physical product to a virtual one; a physical (and therefore vaguely centralised) manufacturing process to a wholly decentralised copying process and -a major factor- people give less of a sit about music because by and large it's not the artiste that's receiving the money; it's yet another bunch of bastards. So unless you add some sort of wellie-controlling mafia ring into the analogy it completely doesn't work. And comparing two different types of business (YouTube and Spotify) earnings in two different years isn't very scientific either.

Can't argue with your point; but a well messy way of trying to get it over.

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