Reply to post: Oh, did the cleaner block your toilet as well ?

That naked picture on my PC? Not mine. The IT guy put it there

Chris King

Oh, did the cleaner block your toilet as well ?

The guy with the thing about older ladies and doggies who loved each other very much (mentioned earlier in this thread) wasn't the only Friend of Humanity I had to deal with in that job...

Another bad-tempered specimen did the queue-jump thing and was sent packing, just as the head of the Estates Division walked in.

"He's been annoying you as well, Chris ?"

"Nothing I can't handle. What did he do to you then ?"

"Seems he's blocked his toilet, and threw his toys out of the pram because we wouldn't send someone out that instant".

"So you're going to make him live with it for a while then ?"

"Oh yes, the lawns need tending to, that's a higher priority right now".

"But it's the middle of winter and there's several inches of snow on the ground !"

"True, but you can never start too early with lawns - toodle-pip !"

Moral of the story: Pissing off the IT folks is one thing, but never EVER piss off the people who fix your plumbing. Not being able to flush sucks a whole lot more than not being able to print.

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