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Full Linux-on-PS4 hits Github

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

All we need is a Ps4 with Linux on it to run office softwares, Linux softwares, Linux updates to the Ps4, and to search online and browse via Linux, download drivers, not just one Linux OS but lots of other variations we desire. We really are bound to computing and our beloved Ps4 and our soul mate Linux. We have nothing else in this world. Nobody's requiring a pirated game, but lots of emulators for older forgotten video game systems, a tribute to the entire world and scientific softwares to make our kids at the Ps4 bright and welcome to the future world. Where the truth bound Linux is an OpenSource and the Ps4 once bought is certainly inside our home. I wish Sony provides a version too, along with the rest of the world and anybody who's willing to help with affection to the Linux world and Gaming. Why hate one another when we can love one another and hold our hands together.

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