Reply to post: Re: invasion, colonisation, occupation

Oz uni in right royal 'indigenous' lingo rumpus

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: invasion, colonisation, occupation

Funny how white fella gets tagged with being invaders, but the invaders of darker skin tones who pushed the first wave of indigenous Australians down into Tasmania (who then became known as Tasmanian Aboriginals), get let off the hook.

The difficulty here of course is who is a whitefella and who is a blackfella? A good friend came by with a bottle of Laphroaig* some years ago and during the ensuing conversation posed the following question: How come Jim Everett's 90% white and a blackfella, and I'm 10% black and I'm a whitefella?

* No, the reason we are friends is not because of the Laphroaig, but a consequence of our friendship.

Story here about Dallas Scott, a man obviously Aboriginal, but not accepted as one by the Aboriginal Community:

I've never had a Certificate of Aboriginality - never needed one," he says, "but when I moved from Brisbane back to Victoria last year, they said I would need one if I wanted to get Aboriginal housing." He filled out the paperwork for the Dandenong & District Aborigines Co-operative, which hands out certificates in certain Victorian regions, and he went to the trouble of meeting some of the elders who sit on the board. He waited a few weeks and when he didn't hear anything, he called to find out what was going on. "That's when they told me - my claim to Aboriginality had been rejected.

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