Reply to post: Re: Do the math ...

Six charged for 'hacking' lottery terminals to spew only winning tickets

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Do the math ...

Also remember that the tickets in play do not have a completely random distribution of numbers. If all the tickets were computer-selected random numbers, sure, but in reality some portion of the players (I don't know the stats on how many) will pick their "lucky" numbers. Expect 1-12 to be biased for higher occurrences due to corresponding to the month of a lucky date. Same goes for 1-31 for day of month.

So here's a way to game the system, 1:259 million odds (ticket combinations) in a $1 play with a > $259MM jackpot should have net expected value (granted, need to adjust for taxes, risk of split jackpots, etc). Just buy out every combination of numbers and collect the jackpot.

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