Reply to post: Don't update

Is iOS 9.3 Apple's worst ever update? First it bricks iThings, now Safari is busted


Don't update

Face it, most updates aren't that important. If your system is working, leave it alone. If there aren't a bunch of new features who needs it? If it isn't at least noticeably faster who needs it ?

I haven't updated Windows 7 in years (I never go with X.0 of any version of software, it has be at least .1 or above). Haven't missed a thing. And spare me the security issues.

Most security issues with users are because they are ignorant of what they clicking on or downloading.

I don't use Apple but my wife does and I have turned off updates for her since an update from a year and a half ago messed up her email.

These guys fix one bug and introduce two more. This is not news, it is an axiom in software development since the complexity far exceeds the ability of the human brain to contain all the interactions of all the components.

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