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Apple engineers rebel, refuse to work on iOS amid FBI iPhone battle


Wrong, it is about a precedent that can be used in other cases. If the ferals win then they can wave the bloody shirt of this precedent in any case against any IT vendor and say do it or else. The ferals picked a case they thought would severely mute public support for Apple because of the terrorism angle. The thinking was Apple would fold without much of fight because they would not have public support. The ferals were surprised by two things: Apple did not fold and many have rallied behind Apple. Apple's support is wider spread and more vocal than expected.

To many here do not believe the feral liars because the ferals have shown themselves to be more interested in power and abusing that power than justice. A related example, the press reports indicate that Hildabeast and her cabal violated numerous espionage/security statutes but none have been indicted and the suspicion is none will be indicted. But let any of the peasants do 1% of what Hildabeast has probably done and you are toast.

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