Reply to post: Only a totalitarian would expect to be pandered too all the time.

Microsoft's equality and diversity: Skimpy schoolgirls dancing for nerds at an Xbox party


Only a totalitarian would expect to be pandered too all the time.

"As an ex-pat Brit in Canada, I still find it quite embarrassing"

@skelband, I'm an expat Brit in Canada too. I'm

"also" a libertarian.

Let us face it, different companies try to appeal to different clienteles.

It is the antithesis of libertarianism to assume that all companies are trying to appeal to a single group of consumers.

Large companies have ads and events that appeal to (suck in) one set of consumers, while ignoring another.

Imagine running ad advertisement in Arabic in Israel. Or Muslims in France. You're going to turn off people outside the target demographic.

That is how the real word is. You do one ad to target women consumers. And other ads to target men consumers.

Only a totalitarian would expect to be pandered too all the time.

Yeah, sometimes companies are going to sponsor TV programs and advertising that pander to someone other than the "14 to 23 year-0old female" demographic group. Now you know how it feels to the rest of humanity 95% of the time.

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