Reply to post: Re: Nice infomercial

Slack smackback: There's no IRC in team (software), say open-sourcers

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Nice infomercial

> It will also interface cleanly to established systems using XMPP- google talk, jabber, facebook messenger.

Do you use a gateway for that? Facebook Messenger drifted away from XMPP a while ago, and Google's been threatening the same. Regardless, XMPP seems to have a lowest common denominator of just plain text. Using it for sending files, group chats, or audio/video, is unreliable.

Most of that doesn't matter to me unless I'm remote pairing. But I have gotten spoiled on 3rd party integrations to CI servers, alert services, ticketing systems, monitoring services, etc. Seriously cuts down on email chatter, allows for targeted "water cooler" chats around incoming notifications with everytthing in one place.

What I don't understand is why Slack is winning. Flowdock had more integrations sooner than Slack, is cheaper, and the UI for managing it is FAR better than Slack.

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