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Swedish publishers plan summer ‘Block Party’ to thwart ad blockers


It's not a protection racket though. I use ABP and as far as I'm concerned it's more like a security service that keeps out anything I don't want. The fact that they will (if I allow it) let through some non-intrusive advertising is fair enough. It stops people harping on about ad-supported sites needing to able to deliver free content as long as they play by the riles and I can cancel it any time if I disagree with their definition of "non-intrusive" or "acceptable".

Largely irrelevant to me anyway, as I've blocked all ads on all my devices because fuck ads.

Calling it a protection racket is bullshit though. And I couldn't care less if advertisers get charged for being able to put through "acceptable" ads, the charging structure is set up so it doesn't hurt smaller outfits and fuck advetisers anyway. They're all cunts who are actively making the world a worse place.

As Bill Hicks said: "If you work in advertising, just kill yourself now."

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