Reply to post: Re: PostgreSQL a better choice for transition from Oracle

Behold, Microsoft SQL Server on Linux – and a firm screw-you to Oracle

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: PostgreSQL a better choice for transition from Oracle

Yeah, large technical companies with in house engineering support can use Postgre, or Cassendra or Maria or any Hadoop distro or any other open source data store. Knock themselves out. The point is that if you are running Oracle today, you have probably looked at those options and they were already unsatisfactory for one reason or another. A large one would be ISV support, e.g. you cannot run SAP or most other commercial apps on Postgre. If you're Google, you're not going to buy Oracle or MS SQL. If you're a regular shop with regular commercial applications, MS SQL is a better choice than Oracle or Postgre. Apples and oranges.

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