Reply to post: Re: Clear Desk

You say I mustn’t write down my password? Let me make a note of that

Anonymous Custard

Re: Clear Desk

Around here all a clear desk earns you is being the ground zero dropzone for all the incoming parcels of parts and stuff that reception bring in and just dump on the closest available area, even if they have nothing to do with you nor are you the intended recipient on the address label.

This does of course always occur just prior to a SMBWA ("safety management by walking around", or colloquially "some muppet bloody wandering aimlessly") audit, most commonly when you're out of the office on the customer site actually doing the work that keeps everyone else in employment and wages.

The trick is of course keeping your desk cluttered enough to dissuade the above (and to appear that you actually do some work), but not full enough to incur the wrath of those with nothing more profitable or useful to do than make such audits.

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