Reply to post: Re: Arggggg

First working Apple Mac ransomware infects Transmission BitTorrent app downloads

45RPM Silver badge

Re: Arggggg

@Andy629 - I agree. My apologies - my point wasn't that you should run Anti Virus and you'll be safe if you do - my point was that you should run Anti Virus, FireWalls, a healthy degree of paranoia and mistrust - and try not to use piracy sites (because that's just asking for trouble).

The internet is like Detroit*. It's a dangerous shithole, but some parts are really very dangerous and other parts are just a bit sketchy. Steer clear of the dangerous parts, and treat the rest of it with suspicion.

*apologies to residents of Detroit. There may be some very nice parts - but I had to pick on somewhere, and it makes a change from picking on Glasgow**

**whoops, I did it again.

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