Reply to post: Re: I thought that the USA was highly in favour of Free Trade in every form?

India challenges US visa price hike at World Trade Organisation

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I thought that the USA was highly in favour of Free Trade in every form?

"dumping" is against free trade.

But US made the wrong move. They should have ruled illegal, and fined heavily, any wage discrimination. Thus company would have been free to hire whoever they liked. Just, they would have to pay them the same regardless where they are from, gender, etc. - as it should be the right way - pay for skills.

I'm sure the request for visa would plummet - and who could be in favour of discrimination, publicly? But of course too many companies are actually in favour of discrimination, because they want to pay the same skills less as soon as they could - up to creating cartels to ensure skilled people are paid less.

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