Reply to post: The High AIRoot Route with Lowest Common Denominator Formations

How exactly do you rein in a wildly powerful AI before it enslaves us all?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

The High AIRoot Route with Lowest Common Denominator Formations

Dunno, an AI could probably run the show better than politicians. ...... Anonymous Coward

It is somewhat amazing that anyone/anything thinks politicians run anything and are not fully dependent upon media and communications which surely run everything currently quite badly.

And quite why media and communicating moguls don't aspire and conspire to present a completely new show has one thinking of an inherent lack of both in-house and outsourced intelligence in their operations/exclusive executive administrations.

Words create, command and control worlds and with pictures only the blind cannot see future directions and worldly wide wise productions.

And the BBC needs to up its IT and Great IntelAIgent Games Play with the placement of competent and fit for future grand purpose, General and Creative Directors.

J'accuse ..... and reasonably expect much better and novel leading AI beta programming programs ……. Perfectly Immaculate Picture Shows.

And corporate failure to provide what the future offers in one[’s] jurisdiction leaves the market open to colonisation by others au fait with that which is required and readily available for use.

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