Reply to post: Hmmm... Sow the Seed, Reap the Whirlwind?

Bruce Schneier: We're sleepwalking towards digital disaster and are too dumb to stop

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Hmmm... Sow the Seed, Reap the Whirlwind?

Those "panics" are generally skillfully engineered. .... DestroyAllMonsters

Ideally be they skilfully engineered, DAM, but generally they be nothing short of a catastrophe in planning/foresight and afterthought ........

And to imagine and realise that media and governments hang on to and laud their every uttered word as if scared and gospel, tells you everything you need to know about the depth and spread of the absurdity and insanity.

Madness and mayhem is the norm in their shell end game and it is beautifully destroying them at an exponential rate these cloudy days, and there is nothing to be done about it with Remote IT Command and Virtual Space Control without Creative Cyber Command and AI Control in Virtual Machine Systems ....... and quite whether such is to be made readily available to corrupt and perverted systems to save such systems admins and exclusive executive elites is ...... well, at least a gazillion dollar question, for it will be expensive and not at all cheap.

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