Reply to post: Re: "The problem is in the design..."

Bruce Schneier: We're sleepwalking towards digital disaster and are too dumb to stop


Re: "The problem is in the design..."

Perhaps another point to note is that both governments and companies find panic a very useful tool to further their ends (increased powers/profile and profits respectively).

History is also littered with governments and politicians that have created, amplified or seized panic (or all three) to obtain more control over the populace or to further their political aspiriations, as it is with companies that have done exactly the same to push a product.

The recent Ebola meltdown in the US is a good example of both.

Both sides exploited the scare to present themselves as tough and able to protect the people - for example the detestable detainment of a nurse by Chris Christie; to push their agendas - e.g. border control and immigration; or to simply bash their opponents - declaring, for instance, as the Dems did, that Rep cuts have harmed the CDC and make the US more vulnerable.

On the commercial front, Lysol purchased the top ad-spot on Google for searches on 'Ebola' in order to hock its disinfectant products.

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